Oil painting and oil pastel on canvas
Out of Shape exhibition, 2015
Picture: Guy L’Heureux

Oil paint and oil pastel on canvas

Exposition Out of Shape, 2015
Installation view

Image: Guy L’Heureux

Oil paint and oil pastel on canvas

Out of Shape (black/red), 2014 
104 x 66 cm (41″ x 26″)

Image: Guy L’Heureux

Oil paint and oil pastel on canvas

Out of Shape (yellow/black), Hexagone, 2014 
76 x 66 cm (30″ x 26″)

Image: Guy L’Heureux

Oil paint and oil pastel on canvas

Out of Shape (black/blue), Triangle, 2014 
65 x 75 cm (25,5″ x 29,5″)

Image: Guy L’Heureux

Oil paint and oil pastel on canvas

Out of Shape (black/orange),2014 
66 x 104 cm (26″ x 41″)

Image: Guy L’Heureux

Oil paint and oil pastel on canvas

Out of Shape (yellow/black), Trapézoide, 2014 
61 x 107 cm (24″ x 42″)

Image: Guy L’Heureux

Oil paint and oil pastel on canvas

Out of Shape (black/blue), 2014 
66 x 104 cm (26″ x 41″)

Image: Guy L’Heureux

Oil paint and oil pastel on canvas

Out of Shape (B) (diptyque),2015 
71 x 56 cm each
(28″ x 22″ each)

Image: Guy L’Heureux

Oil paint and oil pastel on canvas

Out of Shape (black), 2014 
71 x 56 cm (28″ x 22″)

Image: Guy L’Heureux

Oil paint and oil pastel on canvas

Out of Shape (B) (1/2)2015 
71 x 56 cm (28″ x 22″)

Image: Guy L’Heureux

Oil paint and oil pastel on canvas

Out of Shape (O)2015 
71 x 56 cm (28″ x 22″)

Image: Guy L’Heureux

Oil paint and oil pastel on canvas

Out of Shape (P)2015 
71 x 56 cm (28″ x 22″)

Image: Guy L’Heureux

Oil paint and oil pastel on canvas

Out of Shape (B)2015 
71 x 56 cm (28″ x 22″)

Image: Guy L’Heureux

Oil paint and oil pastel on canvas

Out of Shape (B) (triptyque) (1/3),2015
216 x 25,5 cm (85″ x 10″)

Image: Guy L’Heureux

Oil paint and oil pastel on canvas

Out of Shape (B) (triptyque),2015
216 x 25,5 each cm
(85″ x 10″ each) 

Image: Guy L’Heureux